Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet Celebrates Third Year on the Playa
Black Rock City Location Widely Lauded as Leading Soulmate Provider
BLACK ROCK CITY, Nev. – June 18, 2000 – Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet, Inc. (Burnaq: CSTO) the leading provider of low cost quality soulmates, will celebrate the third anniversary of its Black Rock City location on August 28, 2000.
The 400 square-mile Soulmate Trading Outlet is located on theĀ Black Rock Playaand has been in operation since August 29, 1998. The Soulmate Trading Outlet employs approximately 325 people, mostly from the Black Rock City area according to Rico, Costco CEO.
Like Costco’s other Soulmate Trading Outlets, the Black Rock City location offers quality name brand and private-label soulmates at substantially lower prices than can be found through conventional wholesale sources.
“We have one mission,” general manger, Rico said, “to help our members find top quality soulmates at the lowest possible prices.” The company is able to do this by eliminating many of the costly overhead expenses faced by traditional retailers and wholesalers; like fancy display cases, sales people, advertising, research, morals, scruples and so on.
“We run a tight operation with extremely low overhead and a focus on first-quality soulmates,” Rico noted. “That allows us to pass on dramatic savings and values to our members.”
The Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet is open to members only. Membership applications are available at the Black Rock City location. To qualify for membership, customers must bring a “Soulmate-Compatible” friend to trade. “This keeps our inventory in balance,” stated Rico. After a membership card is issued, members pick up a photo of and information about their new soulmate, another resident of Black Rock City.
Unlike other Soulmate Chains, the Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet keeps costs low by elminating charges associated with stocking and delivery. “Rather than delivering soulmates,” said Rico, “we tell customers where they can find their soulmate, and they track them down.”
This year in celebration of Costco’s two-year anniversary, the store will offer reduced hours for a more intensive buying experience.
Members can pay by food, good faith, amusing anecdotes, magic tricks, “special” favors, and promises of a bright future with streets paved in pure gold.
About Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet
Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet (Burndaq: CSTO) is the leading provider of low-cost, quality soulmates in Black Rock City.