Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet Sponsors the Human Genome
Secret Messages in Human Genome CD Reveal Long-Time Burning Man Institution’s Corporate Sponsorship
BLACK ROCK CITY, NEV. – March 4, 2001 – Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet is proud to announce its sponsorship of the Human Genome. The Human Genome CD, which contains the three billion bases of the human genome compressed to fit on a single compact disc, also contains the message “This human genome is brought to you by Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet- providing high quality soulmates to Burning Man residents since 1997.” This CD has been placed in the millennium time capsule in the Smithsonian, and has also been presented to notables such as Bill Clinton- former US President, and Dr. James Watson- one of the original discoverers of DNA.
“We are really glad to do for the human genome what we have done for soulmates- which is to provide the highest possible quality at the lowest possible price,” states Pok� Suav�, Vice President of Facilities for Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet. “The analysis of the human genome shares many computational similarities with the process we use to select appropriate soulmates. However, concerns that we will be using genetic tests as a basis for soulmate selection during Burning Man 2001 are entirely unfounded.”
About Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet
Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet (Burndaq: CSTO) is the leading provider of low-cost, quality soulmates in Black Rock City.